Saturday, October 20, 2012

Airway, Breathing, Circulation

Oh my goodness. Sometimes life just takes your breathe away because of great moments but also because you ran out of breathe or you fell and hit your stomach on the monkey bars and it knocked the wind of you (Yes, that happened...elementary embarrassing...). Right now, I'm out of breathe and it's because of all three of these things.
Number 1 - Great Moments
     Today I witnessed one of the most adorable and quirky expressions of love. And I absolutely LOVED it!! I'm going to be this type of wife someday. This is what happened. I was helping an elderly lady at clinical today and her hilarious husband was telling me about how he and his wife have always matched each other. I thought that was really cute, thinking they were referring to their personalities or something deep like that. Then I looked up at him and realized...THEY WERE WEARING THE SAME SHIRT AND PANTS!!! How wonderful is that!?! YES! I will do that someday! They were adorable. Oh I loved it! They held hands and walked down the hall with all their matchiness. It was great. True love. Nothing says it better than matching every day of your life with the one you love the most. 
       A few more great moments that have happened this semester: climbing onto the roof of the Willows, hiding fake cocroaches in the shower and roommate's beds, roadtrips all over the place with more chocolate than anyone could eat, decorating our apartment for Halloween better than I've ever seen anywhere else decorated, ice cream fights, whipped cream fights, and so many others!!
Number 2 - Running Out of Breathe
      Nursing school is really hard. So is being a Relief Society President. I love it! I wouldn't trade any of it for the world, but going to bed at midnight because you've been on the phone with the Bishop discussing needs of the ward and waking up at 4 AM for clinical can get really exhausting. My idea of a social life this semester is getting together to study for a test or walk to the testing center together. Great times.
     This is also demonstrated literally as running out of breathe. I took a class this semester that I thought would be a cake walk and super fun. It's called Footwork, Agility and Plyometrics. What does that mean? You just jump on and off boxes, right? Wrong. Dead wrong. You definitely do that, but it's always more extreme. It also includes running up and down the stadium stairs nonstop for the whole hour class period and never slowing down or you get yelled at. My legs quiver each time I stand still. I'm also taking a weight lifting class. Watch out, I'll beat you up. I may be fun size, but I've got a wicked right hook now.
Number 3 - Getting the Wind Knocked Out of You
      (This paragraph will start similar to the beginning of the previous paragraph.)
      Nursing school is really hard. I've never failed so many tests in my entire life time. Actually this is the first semester I've failed all but one test. They kind of like to slap you in the face, or so I've decided. I leave each test feeling completely dominated and that's how it happens. The worst is when you leave feeling like you rocked the test and then you get your score...and...yah...
Anyways, I thought I could give you guys an example. So here is an example of a nursing test question. Please pay particular attention to the correctness of every answer (you have to pick whatever I was feeling at the moment I wrote this):
Question: When you make a grilled cheese sandwich you:
     A. Slice cheddar cheese
     B. Heat up the pan
     C. Flip the sandwich over to ensure that both sides get fried
     D. Butter the bread so it won't stick to the pan
Which one do you choose? Honestly, I don't even know which one is the best answer and I wrote the question. I think that's how nursing tests are written. It would explain a lot. My mom claims that the answer to every question is the ABC's (Airway, Breathing and Circulation). I tried it mom, didn't work for the tests, but I do believe it's starting to work in my life. Keep my airway open, keep breathing and make sure blood is circulating. I think it is...we'll see how long it lasts.